“The Genocide Contagion: How We Commit and Confront Holocaust and Genocide” by IW Charny


Charny, Israel W. (2016). The Genocide Contagion: How: We Commit & Confront Genocide“a book for learning about ourselves BEFORE!”


The book has been adopted as a textbook at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa.

The instructor writes: The text is highly informative. Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 7 and also the Learning Exercises will be the key text of the course. This book leads the reader to think about their own contexts, especially those of us who come from regions where there are official silences on genocide for political expediency and fear of truth. The book will definitely go a long way in making us think about genocide, the more so when people are asked to think and act as this book recommends.

A new Amazon review will also be of interest:

The Genocide Contagion by Israel Charny charts the psychological journey of “regular” people who become murderers – even mass murderers, responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent people.

It is a fascinating study that led me to me better understand the psychological mechanisms and processes that can lead to total evil.

To the considerable scientific and political evidence the author presents, he also brings his extensive knowledge and experience as a clinical psychologist and family therapist. The result is fascinating.

The book is well-written and kept me riveted from beginning to end. I particularly appreciated how the author is personally present in the book as a human being and not as someone who is above the human condition. The book has provided me with many new insights and considerable food for thought.

If you are interested in seeing this book for possible adoption for courses on Holocaust and Genocide, please contact the publisher, Rowman & Littlefield, Att: Carli Hansen, chansen(at)rowman.com. Please also send a copy of the request you make to the publisher to me at encygeno(at)gmail.com.

Click here for reviews, discount order form for a 30% reduction in price and table of contents.
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