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Greece Holds a Remarkable Conference Honoring the 100th Anniversary of the Pontian Genocide and Devoted to Memory and Prevention of All Genocides of All Peoples

by Israel W. Charny An excellent conference has been held in Athens, Greece, December 6-8, entitled “International Conference on the Crime of Genocide.” The conference, which was sponsored by the Pan-Pontian organization of Greece which sports a remarkable 450 or so branches in Greece and around the world, was dedicated on the one hand to

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DECLARATION on behalf of the International Conference on the Crime of Genocide on top of Pynx Hill facing the Acropolis in Athens, Greece on December 8, 2019 DECLARATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE CRIME OF GENOCIDE 6 – 8 December 2019, Athens, Greece Submitted to the International Community for the «International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime December 9th, 2019 Honourable Ladies and Gentlemen of the

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Live Media News Interviews Professor Israel W. Charny in Athens, Greece December 7, 2019 at the International Conference on the Crime of Genocide on “A Worldwide Campaign for Life: ‘Respect, Protect Life'”

Transcript of Text (slightly edited): Interviewer: Professor Charny, It’s an honor.   Thank you so much for being here. We would like a brief summary of your speech that you have prepared for the conference. My speech is a dream of action for the future.  All of our peoples have to remember our own past deeply,

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If Not Now, When Will Israel Recognize the Armenian Genocide?

The following was submitted as an op-ed in English to the Jerusalem Post by Israel Charny, and similarly in Hebrew to Haaretz with the additional signature of Yair Auron, but in both cases was not published.  There is no real basis for judging why op-eds are not accepted by newspapers, but we cannot help wondering

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United States Congress Votes Resoundingly for Recognition of Armenian Genocide

Beginning with the U.S. House of Representatives voting 405 to 11 on October 29, 2019 to recognize the Armenian Genocide, and continuing with an unprecedented unanimous vote of the U.S. Senate on December 21, 2019 to confirm recognition of the Armenian Genocide, the Congress of the United States has unambiguously gone on record, “recognizing and

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Colin Tatz: A rebel with a cause and a teacher with heart

  Colin Tatz of Sydney, Australia was a dear and esteemed colleague in genocide studies for many years.  He was, for me, a clear thinking, decent, rational, and very constructive thinker and leader.  As  a Jew, I also appreciated and enjoyed with him his loving Jewish identification and fine ethnic humor – in general, he

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Yad Vashem Doesn’t Have the Courage to Be a Global Beacon of Conscience

Yad Vashem is, understandably and with much justification, an ‘untouchable holiness’ in Israel, never to be criticized or regarded negatively.  It is almost as if doing so would constitute speaking disparagingly about the awful and terrible Holocaust which of course no decent person would do. Nonetheless, there have always been significant criticisms by many Israelis

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