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A New Non-Profit in Israel Aims to Gain Public Support to Demand a Moral Standard for All Israeli Arms Sales

A new initiative has been launched in Israel to create a public movement that will demand of the government full information about Israeli arms sales – which are today not public knowledge, and most of all will stand for a requirement that arms sales will need to be reviewed as to their ethical consequences before

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Haaretz Editor and Haaretz Columnist, Gideon Levy, Do Not Expect a Meaningful Response to the New Information about Extensive Genocidal Massacres in the War of Independence

See the Haaretz editorial (December 12, 2021).  Allow the archives to speak.  Haaretz English Edition. On Haaretz website the title of the editorial was changed as follows: Editorial | Israel’s ‘Most Moral Army in the World’ Can’t Keep Running Away From Its Past. “Prime Minister and Defense Minister David Ben-Gurion described the actions as

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Major Revelations of a Wide Array of Genocidal Massacres by Israel of Palestinians in the War of Independence Will Now Force a Reevaluation of the History of the Israeli Policy of “Purity of Arms”

A Jewish historian, Adam Raz, has published in Haaretz a major revelation, “Classified Docs Reveal Massacres of Palestinians in ’48 – and What Israeli Leaders Knew: Testimonies continue to pile up, documents are revealed, and gradually a broader picture emerges of the acts of murder committed by Israeli troops during the War of Independence.  Minutes

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