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How to Cover Up a Massacre

The world does not seem to need very much advice on  how to cover up massacres.  People are good at creating masks of indifference, unknowing, denial and distortion of evidence without needing much training. A thoughtful and extensive review of a documentary on the catastrophe for the Arab people in the course of Israel’s War

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Bill Proposed in Uruguay to Punish Denial of Holocaust and Armenian Genocide

A bill has been presented in Uruguay to criminalize the denial and also the trivialization of the Holocaust or of the Armenian Genocide and all other genocides that are recognized by the UN General Assembly and by Uruguay itself.  The bill defines such behaviors as “crimes of incitement to hatred, contempt or violence towards people”

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Germany Criminalizes Denials of Genocide – Including the Armenian Genocide – and War Crimes

In an important new move, the German criminal code has been expanded from criminal liability of those who deny the Holocaust now also to include those who deny the genocides and war crimes in various parts of the world. DW-the German news service, Deutsche Welle, notes that this legislation now covers the various genocides such

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Genocidal Weapons

 Haaretz columnist David Stavrou – who has also been presenting to the Genocide Seminar which is conducted by our Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide Jerusalem – has published a major new article in Haaretz entitled “And If They Used Israeli Weapons.” Stavrou describes a horrifying raid and genocidal massacre in a village in northern

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Ukraine! A Terribly Unjust War, A Height of Brutality, and Definitely Genocidal

This website is devoted to a certain segment of news about genocide and genocide studies in the world and is not intended as a steady source of news information about all current events.  However, it is too inappropriate for us to continue without taking the strongest note about the ongoing cruel and brutal genocidal campaign

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Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide Jerusalem Fails to Gain Israel’s Recognition of Armenian Genocide for April 24, 2022; Jerusalem Post Editorial Supports Recognition

The several-months campaign of the Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide Jerusalem to influence the Israeli government to recognize the Armenian Genocide as of April 24, 2022 failed to achieve its goal, but we can hope nonetheless that it left some positive influences which will yet be helpful in the future. We argued that the

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A Powerful Statement about Myanmar’s Genocide and more

The following is a report and analysis by Haaretz reporter, David Stavrou, who resides in Sweden, and writes for the paper both in Hebrew and in English. His statement not only reports facts but evokes emotions about the horrors of genocide;  conveys so clearly the widespread occurrences of many genocides in our unhuman human world; brings

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Holocaust Remembrance Day: Jews, Israelis must protect human life

Charny, Israel W. (January 24, 2022). Holocaust Remembrance Day: Jews, Israelis must protect human life.  Jerusalem Post. Republished in the California Courier, February 3, 2022 Our Jewish/Israeli people need new Moses-leadership courageously devoted to decency and the protection of human life in continuation of the finest values of Jewish religion and our basic tradition.

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The Algebra of Appeasement: 1938 and Today

What can we in Israel can do to stop what we believe to be a slow and steady march toward appeasement with Iran. Professor Elihu Richter, MD published the following article in the Jerusalem Post and gave permission for its reproduction: Throughout my youth, I retained an obsession with the history of World War II and the

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The Late Elie Wiesel’s Son, Elisha, Declares His Shame about US Participation in China Olympics

In a moving story in the Forward, released by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA), the late Elie Wiesel’s son, Elisha, published a moving statement of shame about US participation in the Olympics in China. “Most of the world didn’t seem to know, or care, that the host country is hosting a pageant of ‘peace and

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