(formerly www.genocidepreventionnow.org)
Concerning Civilians in Blue Nile and South Kordofan, an Open Letter to U.S. Special Envoy for Sudan by Eric Reeves
The Killings of Ethnic Minorities in Myanmar (Burma) Change in Myanmar’s Politics after Elections in April 2012 by Janine Stoisiek
And Those Who Continued Living in Turkey after 1915 by Rubina Peroomian
A New Book on the Greek Genocide Edited by an Armenian Scholar by George N. Shirinian
Genocide Scholars and Legislating to Outlaw the Denial of Genocide by Philip Spencer
From Principle to Practice: Security, Risk, Justice and the Operationalization of R2P by Maureen S. Hiebert
The Relationship between the International Criminal Court and the Prevention of Mass Atrocities by Sheri P. Rosenberg
Can Visual Art Intensify the Existential Debate on Genocide? With Reproductions of Several Art Works by Evelyn Nicodermus
Worksheet for Describing and Categorizing a Genocidal Event by Israel W. Charny
Proposed Checklist of Ethical and Professional Criteria for Publishing Statements Accusing Policies and Actions of being Genocidal (including Crimes against Humanity) by Israel W. Charny
Manual for Describing and Categorizing a Genocidal Event by Israel W. Charny
We Must Fight the Deniers of All Genocides, Including Our Own Nations’ Denials, and also Denial of a Universal Human Potential to Commit Genocide by Israel W. Charny
Research for Advancement of Peace: A Classic Document by Julius Stone
Nakba Not Genocide by Yair Auron
Aspects of Survival: Triumph over Death and Onliness by Alan Jacobs
Were Ordinary Germans Hitler’s ‘Willing Executioners’? Or Were They Victims of Humiliating Seduction and Abandonment? The Case of Germany and Somalia by Evelin Gerda Lindner
Stories of International ‘Goodness’ During the Armenian Genocide by Vicken Babkenian
Iran and the Bomb: A Psychoanalytic Study by Avner Falk
Review of “Antisemitism Explained” by Steven Baum
“Fire, Fire” and Legislating Denials of Holocaust and Genocide: Tolerable Free Speech or Criminal Incitement to Violence? by Israel W. Charny
Legislating against Genocide Denial: Criminalizing Denial or Preventing Free Speech? by Roger W. Smith
The Laws Banning Holocaust Denial by Jacqueline Lechtholz-Zey
Holocaust Denial Laws and Other Legislation Criminalizing Promotion of Nazism by Michael J. Bazyler
Denials of Known Genocide Predict Renewed Violence and Genocide Celebrate ‘Love of Death More than Life,’ and Support a Culture of Denial of Knowledge and Science by Israel W. Charny
The Principle of Reparation in International Law and the Armenian Genocide by Alfred de Zayas
The Armenian Genocide and International Law
Sri Lanka: From Sinhalese Discrimination to Tamil Terror to Sinhalese Victory by Elihu D. Richter, Alex Barnea Burnley, Yael Stein
The Crime of Genocide – Prevention, Condemnation and Elimination of Consequences by Wa’il Kheir
Antisemitism, Public Health and Genocide:From Racial Hygiene to the Culture of Death by Elihu D. Richter
The Psychology of Denying Other Victims of a Genocide by Israel W. Charny
Suspected Mass Killings – Call them Democide, Politicide, or maybe Genocide in North Korea by Yael Stein and Elihu D Richter
Darfur and Sudan: A Review and Analysis by Alex Barnea Burnley, Yael Stein, Elihu D Richter
52 Rabbis Call for Action to End Killing in Congo — 54 million Dead Since 1988
Pontic Greeks and the Greek Genocide by Nikolaos Hlamides
Holocaust Denials – Review of “The Abuse of Holocaust Memory:Distortions and Responses” Review by Israel W. Charny
Can We Prevent Genocide by Preventing Incitement? Part 2 by Elihu D Richter, with Yael Stein, Alex Barnea Burnley, and Marc Sherman
More “Mein Kampf”: A Chronology of Statements of Incitement and Hate Language by Ahmadinejad and other Iranian Leaders by Yael Stein, Tamar Pileggi, Alex Barnea Burnley
Bulletin: Genocidal Massacres in Kyrgyztan – Two Muslim Nationalities
Bangladesh Ethnic Butchery & Genocidal Massacres by Richard Benkin
A Casebook of Denials of Doing Harm to Others and Rewards to People and Nations Who Overcome Denial by Israel W. Charny
Genocidal Indoctrination: Palestinian Indoctrination to Genocide by Daphne Burdman
Can We Prevent Genocide by Preventing Incitement? Part 1 by Elihu D Richter with Yael Stein, Alex Barnea, and Marc Sherman
The Laws Banning Holocaust Denial by Jacqueline Lechtholz-Zey
What If: Obama and Biden against Hitler, or….Chamberlain and Halifax against Ahmadinejad? by Elihu D Richter
The British Petroleum Oil Spill…Ecocide? What Is It? What Is It Not? And So What?
Incitement to Genocide in the Year in Review 2009: With Special Emphasis on Jihadist Antisemitism and Iran’s Threats to Destroy Israel by Elihu D Richter, Yael Stein, Alex Barnea
The Hunger Holocaust by George Kent
Jewish Evidences and Eyewitness Accounts: About the Genocide of the Armenians during the First World War by Yair Auron
Digital Terrorism and Hate: The First Decade and Beyond by Abraham Cooper with Rick Eaton and Mark Weitzman
Iran Follow-up Tracking: Incitement to Genocide, Support for Terror, Pursuit of Nuclear Weapons, and Suppression of Human Rights – From Prediction, Precaution, and Prevention to … Preemption? by Elihu D Richter with Alex Barnea and Yael Stein
Never Say Never Again by Gregory S. Gordon
State-Sanctioned Incitement to Genocide in Ahmadinejad’s Iran: The Responsibility to Prevent
Genocide in Our Time by Alex Alvarez
Tehran’s Genocidal Incitement against Israel by Elihu Richter
Critical Viewpoints on the Cohen-Albright Report by the Journal of the International Association of Genocide Scholars by Herb Hirsch.
Click here for the report.
“Preventing Genocide: A Blueprint for U.S. Policymakers” by Madeleine K. Albright and William S. Cohen
Holocaust Denial Laws and Other Legislation Criminalizing Promotion of Nazism by Michael J. Bazyler
Irwin Cotler Releases Petition to Act Against Iran’s Genocidal Incitement
Click here for the Executive Summary