Author: Editor

With great sadness, we announce the passing of Israel W. Charny

Prof. Israel W. Charny 1931-2024 Prof. Israel W. Charny’s passing on December 13, 2024, marks the loss of a monumental figure in the field of genocide studies. His pioneering efforts over five decades not only shaped the academic discipline but also influenced global efforts to understand and prevent genocides. His work has had an enduring

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‘I Believe That the Zionist Dream Is Not Viable as Long as It Is Based on Wrongs’

Rabbi Avidan Freedman, who lives in the West Bank settlement of Efrat, rejects what he sees as Israel’s sanctification of force, supports a hostage deal and sanctions against violent settlers, and is waging a battle against the country’s sale of arms to repressive regimes. Recommended reading: Rabbi Avidan Friedman, who heads a non-profit association in Israel

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What is Genocide? Did Israel Commit Genocide in Gaza?

Israel has gone too far in its legitimate response to the Hamas genocide, and it should restrain itself from reaching a genocidal peak  Israel W. Charny Executive Director Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide Jerusalem; Founder and Past President International Association of Genocide Scholars; Editor-in-Chief, Encyclopedia of Genocide  Something insane has happened in the world’s

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A Special Legacy Article by Israel W. Charny The following is the complete article and contains materials that have not been included in the edited version published by Genocide Studies and Prevention (GSP) – Volume 17, No. 3, pp. 1-18. The major difference as noted in the journal article (p.16) is that a fuller description

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Gaza Fight is Humanly and Legally Just but Deserves Ceasefire If Hostages Freed

Israel W. Charny (February 2, 2024). Gaza Fight is Humanly and Legally Just but Deserves Ceasefire If Hostages Freed. Times of Israel. GAZA FIGHT IS HUMANLY AND LEGALLY JUST BUT DESERVES CEASEFIRE IF HOSTAGES FREED A British sociologist-political scientist, has published a scathing article in the Journal of Genocide Research (JGR) accusing Israel of

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Israel Does Not Recognize the Armenian Genocide, but Once Again Uses it as a Diplomatic Tool with Turkey

Lis, Jonathan (January 14, 2024). Headline in Haaretz (Hebrew): Israel Does Not Recognize the Armenian Genocide, but Drew on it Again as a Tool to Do Battle Diplomatically with Turkey: (sub headline) Foreign Minister Spoke Officially More Firmly Against Erdogan When He Mentioned the Genocide that the Turks Executed, but a Formal Process Towards Recognition

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New York Times Bret Stephens Decries Genocide Charges Against Israel As Immoral

Stephens, Bret (January 18, 2024). The Genocide Charge Against Israel Is a Moral Obscenity. New York Times (excerpt) In recent decades, as many as three million people perished in a famine in North Korea that was mainly government-induced. Hundreds of thousands of Syrians were gassed, bombed, starved or tortured to death by the Assad regime,

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Reports from the Israel-Gaza War Describe Extreme Violence and Cruelty

International Criminal Court Prosecutor Defines the Hamas Attack of Israel on October 7 as “Serious International Crimes”  The prosecutor, Karim Khan, of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has called the attacks against Israeli civilians on October 7, 2023 “some of the most serious international crimes that shock the conscience of humanity, crimes which the ICC

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Putting the October 7 Culprits on Trial

by Steve Adler, November 10, 2023 A Jerusalem Post column, “Legal Affairs by Steve Adler” features an article, “Putting the October 7 Culprits on Trial.”  Adler who is a retired judge of the Labor Court in Israel proposes that the “monstrous acts of sadistic murder, torture, sexual violence, rape, kidnapping and other horrors that go beyond

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Hamas Mass Execution in Action… VERY hard to watch

Viewers are cautioned that the following video contains explicit footage of a massacre in process — victims are shot individually and thrown into a mass grave. VIDEO [KW caps for the rest of this line] of actual massacre of Israelis on October 7, 2023 by Hamas.  Video received from Prof. Joseph [“Yossi”] Ben-Dak, Ph.D., D.Sc.

How does a person become a bloodthirsty and murderous Hamas member?

HAARETZ | Opinions / November 3, 2023 by Nimrod Aloni I doubt there is a single Israeli, Jew or Arab, who does not ask himself these days the distressing question of how someone can become a bloodthirsty and murderous Hamas member. How does a human being consciously and with great enthusiasm go on a monstrous

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Israel’s Reactions to the Disaster in Karabakh (Artsakh)

–  Scheindlin, Dahlia (September 29, 2023). Nagorno-Karabakh’s parallels to Palestinian Nakba are haunting (cover page) (continued on page 5 with a new headline: Israel has some soul searching to do over Armenians).  Haaretz English Edition. “All Jews should reckon with the fact that Israel has abandoned even a pretense of solidarity with Armenians due to

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Recommended Reading, and a Welcome to the Ariel University Center for the Research and Study of Genocide in Israel

We are pleased to welcome a new center for research of genocide in Israel. Ariel University in Israel has established a Center for the Study and Research of Genocide under the direction of Hilly Moodrick-Even Khan, a senior lecturer of public international law in the Department of Economics and Business Administration in the University. In

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Grave Concerns are Being Expressed of a Looming Genocide of Armenian Civilians by Azerbaijan

Increasingly anguished and angry posts by many genocide watchers are being published these days about the ominous threat of a major genocide by starvation and embargo of the Armenian population in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabach).  The following are two such posts by the Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide in Jerusalem, the first by Israel W. Charny

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This Kosher Certificate for Azerbaijan Stinks

A group of 50 rabbis from the Rabbinical Center of Europe recently publicized a letter criticizing Armenian leaders for their use of “Holocaust terminology” to describe the current humanitarian crisis faced by the people of Nagorno-Karabakh, inflicted upon them by Azerbaijan. “Expressions such as ‘ghetto,’ ‘genocide,’ ‘Holocaust,’ and others are (…) inappropriate to be part of

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Azeri Massacre of Polish and Jewish Civilians in 1944

With the renewed attention to the threat of possible genocide of the Armenian population in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabach) these days, new attention has been focused on past historical events, among them a massacre of Jewish Poles by the Azeris during the Holocaust. –Ed. Vartanian, Varouj (August 24, 2023). The Massacre of Jews by the Azeri Legion

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Israel Is Learning How Quickly Democracy Gives Way to Dictatorship

Stavrou, David (August 1, 2023). Israel Is Learning How Quickly Democracy Gives Way to Dictatorship.  Haaretz. Over the past several months, numerous essays comparing Israel with other countries have appeared in this newspaper. It started with the obvious comparison to the illiberal democracies in Europe, voicing fears that the country is turning into Hungary or

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In Memory of Professor Richard G. Hovannisian: Obituary from the University of Southern California

Richard G. Hovannisian was a titan in the field of Armenian Studies – an academic discipline that he shaped with his groundbreaking scholarship and professionalism. He passed away this week, at the age of 90, leaving behind a legacy that is impossible to capture. He lived the life of a public intellectual. He became a

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The United States Commemorates the Armenian Genocide on April 24, 2023, and we add WHERE IS ISRAEL?

On April 24, 2023, President Joe Biden issued his annual statement in commemoration of the Armenian Genocide. This is his statement in full: Today, we pause to remember the lives lost during the Meds Yeghern—the Armenian genocide— and renew our pledge to never forget. On April 24, 1915, Ottoman authorities arrested Armenian intellectuals and community

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Dr. Taner Akçam Presents New Findings on the First Decision to Commit the Armenian Genocide

Reprinted with permission from Hye Sharzhoom (Fresno State University, California). Derkalousdian, Careen (May 2023). Dr. Taner Akçam Presents New Findings on the First Decision to Commit the Armenian Genocide  Hye Sharzhoom. On Friday, March 3, 2023, Dr. Taner Akçam, director of the Armenian Genocide Research Program at The UCLA Promise Institute, presented his new findings

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Der Matossian explores genocide denialism in the 21st century

Gayman, Deann (April 10, 2023). Der Matossian explores genocide denialism in the 21st century. Reprinted from The California Courier. In the 21st century, where information — and disinformation — is shared at warp speed, genocide denialism has spread just as rapidly. Bedross Der Matossian, a historian of the Armenian Genocide and professor of history at

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An Overwhelming Encounter with the Truth of Genocidal Cruelty

The following report by Harut Sassounian, publisher of the Armenian-American newspaper, The California Courier, contains a graphic account of the monstrous cruelty of a genocider — in this case in a massacre of thousands of Kurds and Armenians in Dersim, Turkey in 1937-8. The reading is painful but essential for anyone who really is caring

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Anti-Defamation League and Tel Aviv University Compared Israel’s Radical Right Ideology with those of the Nazis

In an unprecedented move, the ADL and Tel Aviv University called out jointly in an annual report on global antisemitism on the juxtaposition of Israel’s right wing political ideology and policies with the Nazis. “The modern history of Germany is evidence of humans’ infinite ability, including the most educated, to commit evil.  It warns us

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A Holocaust Survivor Who Candidly Reveals the Cruelty Also of Jews in the Holocaust

Halina Birenbaum is a Holocaust survivor from Poland.  She has gone back many times guiding tours of the death camps and told her story countless times.  In a Hebrew language documentary film, “Where Are You Going?,” her son Gilad and Halina follow a mother and son to Poland.  Halina is deeply touching. She speaks with

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Reveals His Basic Machiavellian Thinking

:בנימין נתניהו היום אנחנו מקיימים שיח עם האויבים שלנו… וכך אנחנו שולטים על גובה הלהבות, תרתי משמע… ואז אתה אוסף מודיעין, עוסק בהונעה.  זו מלחמה עם טקטיקה.  מלחמה עם תחבולות… עצם השיחה הוא רמאות אחת גדולה… אתה קונה זמן… מותר סיפורים. וייץ ,גידי- נתניהו ניצב בצומת, וכל פנייה שיבחר בה מובילה אותו לתהום.   הארץ.  

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Israel’s Massive Supply of Sophisticated Weapons to Azerbaijan

With great sadness and anger, the Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide is reprinting the following editorial by Harut Sassounian in the California Courier.  The editorial has since been distributed also in mailings by Prof. Michael Stone of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. By Harut Sassounian Publisher, The California Courier, March 9, 2023 Israel’s Massive Supply

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Fascist Meter

The battle against genocide necessarily involves battling against the emergence of fascist governments. As most people know, we are having a major crisis in Israel these days in dealing with what many of us perceive as serious steps towards fascist types of governance. The following is an article that I succeeded in having published in

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How to Cover Up a Massacre

The world does not seem to need very much advice on  how to cover up massacres.  People are good at creating masks of indifference, unknowing, denial and distortion of evidence without needing much training. A thoughtful and extensive review of a documentary on the catastrophe for the Arab people in the course of Israel’s War

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Bill Proposed in Uruguay to Punish Denial of Holocaust and Armenian Genocide

A bill has been presented in Uruguay to criminalize the denial and also the trivialization of the Holocaust or of the Armenian Genocide and all other genocides that are recognized by the UN General Assembly and by Uruguay itself.  The bill defines such behaviors as “crimes of incitement to hatred, contempt or violence towards people”

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Germany Criminalizes Denials of Genocide – Including the Armenian Genocide – and War Crimes

In an important new move, the German criminal code has been expanded from criminal liability of those who deny the Holocaust now also to include those who deny the genocides and war crimes in various parts of the world. DW-the German news service, Deutsche Welle, notes that this legislation now covers the various genocides such

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Genocidal Weapons

 Haaretz columnist David Stavrou – who has also been presenting to the Genocide Seminar which is conducted by our Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide Jerusalem – has published a major new article in Haaretz entitled “And If They Used Israeli Weapons.” Stavrou describes a horrifying raid and genocidal massacre in a village in northern

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Ukraine! A Terribly Unjust War, A Height of Brutality, and Definitely Genocidal

This website is devoted to a certain segment of news about genocide and genocide studies in the world and is not intended as a steady source of news information about all current events.  However, it is too inappropriate for us to continue without taking the strongest note about the ongoing cruel and brutal genocidal campaign

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Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide Jerusalem Fails to Gain Israel’s Recognition of Armenian Genocide for April 24, 2022; Jerusalem Post Editorial Supports Recognition

The several-months campaign of the Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide Jerusalem to influence the Israeli government to recognize the Armenian Genocide as of April 24, 2022 failed to achieve its goal, but we can hope nonetheless that it left some positive influences which will yet be helpful in the future. We argued that the

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A Powerful Statement about Myanmar’s Genocide and more

The following is a report and analysis by Haaretz reporter, David Stavrou, who resides in Sweden, and writes for the paper both in Hebrew and in English. His statement not only reports facts but evokes emotions about the horrors of genocide;  conveys so clearly the widespread occurrences of many genocides in our unhuman human world; brings

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Holocaust Remembrance Day: Jews, Israelis must protect human life

Charny, Israel W. (January 24, 2022). Holocaust Remembrance Day: Jews, Israelis must protect human life.  Jerusalem Post. Republished in the California Courier, February 3, 2022 Our Jewish/Israeli people need new Moses-leadership courageously devoted to decency and the protection of human life in continuation of the finest values of Jewish religion and our basic tradition.

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The Algebra of Appeasement: 1938 and Today

What can we in Israel can do to stop what we believe to be a slow and steady march toward appeasement with Iran. Professor Elihu Richter, MD published the following article in the Jerusalem Post and gave permission for its reproduction: Throughout my youth, I retained an obsession with the history of World War II and the

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The Late Elie Wiesel’s Son, Elisha, Declares His Shame about US Participation in China Olympics

In a moving story in the Forward, released by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA), the late Elie Wiesel’s son, Elisha, published a moving statement of shame about US participation in the Olympics in China. “Most of the world didn’t seem to know, or care, that the host country is hosting a pageant of ‘peace and

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Call for Israel to Boycott “Beijing’s Olympic ‘Genocide Games'”

The forthcoming Beijing winter olympics are being boycotted by a growing series of nations, today including Australia, Britain, Canada, and Japan.  The boycott is intended to express a profound protest of Chinese persecution and genocide of the Uyghur people. In Israel, Haaretz has published an editorial page column by Rushan Abbas and Sami Steigmann calling on

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A New Non-Profit in Israel Aims to Gain Public Support to Demand a Moral Standard for All Israeli Arms Sales

A new initiative has been launched in Israel to create a public movement that will demand of the government full information about Israeli arms sales – which are today not public knowledge, and most of all will stand for a requirement that arms sales will need to be reviewed as to their ethical consequences before

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Haaretz Editor and Haaretz Columnist, Gideon Levy, Do Not Expect a Meaningful Response to the New Information about Extensive Genocidal Massacres in the War of Independence

See the Haaretz editorial (December 12, 2021).  Allow the archives to speak.  Haaretz English Edition. On Haaretz website the title of the editorial was changed as follows: Editorial | Israel’s ‘Most Moral Army in the World’ Can’t Keep Running Away From Its Past. “Prime Minister and Defense Minister David Ben-Gurion described the actions as

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Major Revelations of a Wide Array of Genocidal Massacres by Israel of Palestinians in the War of Independence Will Now Force a Reevaluation of the History of the Israeli Policy of “Purity of Arms”

A Jewish historian, Adam Raz, has published in Haaretz a major revelation, “Classified Docs Reveal Massacres of Palestinians in ’48 – and What Israeli Leaders Knew: Testimonies continue to pile up, documents are revealed, and gradually a broader picture emerges of the acts of murder committed by Israeli troops during the War of Independence.  Minutes

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Harut Sassounian: Exposing Fake News by Azerbajain

From our Editor: Sadly, news of fake news is an important aspect of tracking contemporary reality.  Moreover, given that the war events between Azerbaijan and the Armenian community in Nagorno-Karabach represent at least symbolically a kind of continuation of the denied Turkish genocide of the Armenians, such fake news becomes part of our continuing study of

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News of Note for Students of Genocide Studies

GERMANY ACKNOWLEDGES FIRST GENOCIDE  OF THE 2Oth CENTURY, THE HERERO AND NAMA Hambira, Kavenam, and Gleckman-Krut, Miriam (July 8, 2021). Germany Apologized for a Genocide. It’s Nowhere Near Enough. New York Times. ED NOTE: This acknowledgment by Germany, at long last, is of great importance to students of genocide, and an important breakthrough in respect of

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“The Family of Genocides Represents a Universal Sickness of Mankind.” A Conversation with Professor Israel Charny by Alessandra Pellegrini De Luca (June 22, 2021). In GARIWO website, Milan, Italy [GARIWO=Garden of the Righteous Worldwide.]  Israel Charny is an Israeli psychotherapist and a well-known genocide scholar. He is a specialist in the treatment of Holocaust survivors,

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Review of Israel’s Failed Response to the Armenian Genocide by German Genocide Scholar, Tessa Hofmann

The full length review of the book written by distinguished German genocide scholar, Tessa Hofmann can be found here by clicking this link. A somewhat briefer version of this review was published in the California Courier on May 6, 2021. Book Review: “One is either for human life or not!” A review of Israel Charny’s New

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Obituary to a Great American Armenian, VARTAN GREGORIAN

Obituary to a Great American Armenian, VARTAN GREGORIAN Vartan Gregorian, President of the Carnegie Corporation of New York, formerly President of Brown University, Provost of the University of Pennsylvania, and President of the New York Public Library has passed away at the age of 87. Dr. Gregorian was the recipient of the American Presidential Medal

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United States Completes Full Recognition of the Armenian Genocide

April 24, 2021 Today, April 24, 2021, Armenian Genocide Memorial Day, is now also the historic day on which the United States of America has completed full recognition of the Armenian Genocide after many years of evasion. In the past there have been sparks of recognition from one or another senior level of American governance,

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Proposed Letter to the Editor Haaretz English Edition

Thank you Ofer Aderet and Haaretz for your meaningful article on May 3, 2021, “How Israel Quashed Efforts to Recognize the Armenian Genocide.” The article definitely succeeds in painting the picture of government – in this case Israel’s Foreign Ministry – lying blatantly, manipulating, invading academic freedom, putting out fake news and more. In this

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How Israel Quashed Efforts to Recognize the Armenian Genocide – to Please Turkey

by Ofer Aderet |  Haaretz English Edition | May 2, 2021 Decades before the U.S. president formally recognized the horrors of 1915, Israel’s Foreign Ministry sought to foil an academic conference on the subject, fearing reprisal from Turkey. ‘We continue to act to reduce and diminish the Armenian issue to the extent of our ability by

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Review of “Israel’s Failed Response to the Armenian Genocide” by well-known genocide scholar, Tessa Hofmann (Germany)

“One is Either for Human Life or Not!” A major part of this review will also be published in the California Courier. Review of Israel Charny’s New Book, Israel’s Failed Response to the Armenian Genocide: Denial, State Deception, Truth versus Politicization of History.  Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2021. .by Tessa Hofmann  Review of Israel Charny: Israel’s

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New Book: Israel’s Failed Response to the Armenian Genocide

by Israel W. Charny When the Turkish government demanded the cancellation of all lectures on the Armenian Genocide at Israel’s First International Conference on the Holocaust and Genocide, and that Armenian lecturers not be allowed to participate, the Israeli government followed suit. This book follows the author’s gutsy campaign against his government and his quest

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Recommendations of Israel’s Failed Response to the Armenian Genocide

Endorsements by GREGORY H. STANTON, ARCHBISHOP MOURAN MANOOGIAN -Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem, YAIR AURON, SHMUEL REISS MD, HARUT SASSOUNIAN, SAMUEL TOTTEN, TANER AKÇAM, NAOMI CHAZAN, and ROBERT WILLIAM FISK. ☻’Nobel Prize’ GREGORY H. STANTON, Founding President Genocide Watch, Research Professor in Genocide Studies and Prevention, George Mason University Israel Charny has single-handedly produced at least

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News Stories and Reviews of “Israel’s Failed Response to the Armenian Genocide”

Note: date above has been forced in order to place post in a proper sequence. Israel Charny Looks Back on the Momentous Conference That Almost Wasn’t by Alin Gregorian, Editor, Armenian Spectator-Mirror (Boston), April 20, 2021 Prof. Israel Charny, a longtime champion of recognition of the Armenian Genocide, is looking back at the uphill

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An Open Letter regarding the Fighting in Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh)

Armenian Studies at the Hebrew University The following represents the personal views of a group of Israeli scholars of Caucasian and associated studies from different institutions of higher learning, and does not reflect the positions of the Hebrew University nor its Armenian Studies Program. We the undersigned write to express our deep concern with the

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Channeling Anger and Hate for Protecting Human Life

I am pleased to share with you a new publication, “Channeling Anger and Hate for Protecting Human Life,” which has been published in a book entitled Perspectives on Hate edited by Robert Sternberg, a distinguished psychologist and former president of the American Psychological Association (who in the past was the author of a theory of love

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Israel Should Rethink Its Relationship with Azerbaijan

The following article was written by Alex Galitsky and published in the Jerusalem Post on July 21, 2020. Azerbaijan, a close ally of Turkey and fellow denier of the Armenian Genocide, has actively sought the eradication of the region’s indigenous Armenian inhabitants and traces of their millennia-old civilization. Azerbaijan’s burgeoning relationship with Israel has

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Still Another Minimization of the Holocaust

You may be interested in seeing a new publication in the peer-reviewed Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism: “The Journal of Genocide Research Featured Still Another Minimization of the Holocaust.” The new article just published analyzes a still more recent major review essay in JGR which is also minimizing any anti-Jewish motivations on the part of the Nazis and attempting

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Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum Includes a “Genocide Gallery”

The new Dallas (Texas) Holocaust and Human Rights Museum, which opened in September 2019, includes a “Genocide Gallery.”  The museum was designed by Edward Jacobs and Michael Berenbaum (Berenbaum Jacobs Associates). Jacobs is a gifted creative designer who lives in Jerusalem and is partnered with Berenbaum who is widely known and respected for his having

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Turkey joins Nobel ceremony boycott in protest against Handke

Ahlander, Johan; Koleka, Benet; Erkoyun, Ezgi. (December 9, 2019). Turkey joins Nobel ceremony boycott in protest against Handke. Reuters. (Reuters) – Turkey said on Monday it would join Albania and Kosovo in boycotting the Nobel awards ceremony in protest against 2019 literature prize laureate Peter Handke, who has been criticized for backing late Serbian strongman

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Greece Holds a Remarkable Conference Honoring the 100th Anniversary of the Pontian Genocide and Devoted to Memory and Prevention of All Genocides of All Peoples

by Israel W. Charny An excellent conference has been held in Athens, Greece, December 6-8, entitled “International Conference on the Crime of Genocide.” The conference, which was sponsored by the Pan-Pontian organization of Greece which sports a remarkable 450 or so branches in Greece and around the world, was dedicated on the one hand to

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DECLARATION on behalf of the International Conference on the Crime of Genocide on top of Pynx Hill facing the Acropolis in Athens, Greece on December 8, 2019 DECLARATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE CRIME OF GENOCIDE 6 – 8 December 2019, Athens, Greece Submitted to the International Community for the «International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime December 9th, 2019 Honourable Ladies and Gentlemen of the

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Live Media News Interviews Professor Israel W. Charny in Athens, Greece December 7, 2019 at the International Conference on the Crime of Genocide on “A Worldwide Campaign for Life: ‘Respect, Protect Life'”

Transcript of Text (slightly edited): Interviewer: Professor Charny, It’s an honor.   Thank you so much for being here. We would like a brief summary of your speech that you have prepared for the conference. My speech is a dream of action for the future.  All of our peoples have to remember our own past deeply,

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If Not Now, When Will Israel Recognize the Armenian Genocide?

The following was submitted as an op-ed in English to the Jerusalem Post by Israel Charny, and similarly in Hebrew to Haaretz with the additional signature of Yair Auron, but in both cases was not published.  There is no real basis for judging why op-eds are not accepted by newspapers, but we cannot help wondering

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United States Congress Votes Resoundingly for Recognition of Armenian Genocide

Beginning with the U.S. House of Representatives voting 405 to 11 on October 29, 2019 to recognize the Armenian Genocide, and continuing with an unprecedented unanimous vote of the U.S. Senate on December 21, 2019 to confirm recognition of the Armenian Genocide, the Congress of the United States has unambiguously gone on record, “recognizing and

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Colin Tatz: A rebel with a cause and a teacher with heart

  Colin Tatz of Sydney, Australia was a dear and esteemed colleague in genocide studies for many years.  He was, for me, a clear thinking, decent, rational, and very constructive thinker and leader.  As  a Jew, I also appreciated and enjoyed with him his loving Jewish identification and fine ethnic humor – in general, he

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Yad Vashem Doesn’t Have the Courage to Be a Global Beacon of Conscience

Yad Vashem is, understandably and with much justification, an ‘untouchable holiness’ in Israel, never to be criticized or regarded negatively.  It is almost as if doing so would constitute speaking disparagingly about the awful and terrible Holocaust which of course no decent person would do. Nonetheless, there have always been significant criticisms by many Israelis

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U.S. House of Representatives Votes Overwhelmingly to Recognize the Armenian Genocide

  Overwhelming Bipartisan Passage of Armenian Genocide Resolution Reflects the Best of America Rouben Adalian October 29, 2019 WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Armenian Genocide resolution, H.Res.296, was adopted today by an overwhelming favorable bipartisan vote of 405 to 11 in the U.S. House of Representatives, reported the Armenian Assembly of America. “The passage of

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More on “Does Yad Vashem Have a Problem with the Bosnian Genocide?”

On September 19, 2019,  I posted on the IAGS listserv excerpts from an article by Daniella Peled, who is identified as “Managing Editor of the Institute for War and Peace Reporting,” in Haaretz English Edition on August 16, 2019.  At the same time I reported that we were unable to recover the Haaretz article from

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Armenian Assembly of America Mourns the Passing of Yossi Sarid, Recalls His Efforts in Israel for Official Armenian Genocide Recognition

The following story dating back to 2015 was just sent to us by Dr. Rouben Adalian, Director of the Armenian National Institute (ANI) in Washington, DC. The photo of the delegation at the Eternal Flame at the Armenian Genocide Memorial and Musuem in Yerevan is of particular importance to Israelis, so that it is widely

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Haaretz Book Review Magazine Interviews Yair Auron

Estricher, Noa (September 9, 2019). Genocide: Five Books on Genocide.  Haaretz Book Review (Hebrew). An interview of Yair Auron in Hebrew with reference to five books on genocide in Hebrew: Franz Werfel, 40 Days of Musa Dag; Ora Achimeier, Araratim; Ambassador Morgenthau’s Diary, Israel Charny, Genocide -“And You Shall Destroy the Evil Inside of You”: We

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UN Sends a Stunning Letter Questioning Turkey on the Armenian Genocide

June 25, 2019 BY HARUT SASSOUNIAN Twenty-nine years ago the United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities adopted a report acknowledging the Armenian Genocide as a case of genocide. Until recently, there has been no other activity at the UN on this issue. Unexpectedly, on March 25, a surprising letter

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Some Orthodox Jews Protest Israel’s Arms Exports to Regimes That Commit Genocide

Haaretz English Edition has published an account of a 40-year old orthodox mother of six children who regularly confronts Israeli officials about the immorality of arms sales. Esther Merchavy defiantly asked the former Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, “Why does Israel send arms to a country known for its human rights abuses against the Rohingya. Merchavy

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Azerbaijan Destroys a Major Armenian Cultural Monument that was to be Considered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Djulfa is a site in Azerbaijan which boasted the world’s largest collection of exquisitely carved medieval cross-stones as remnants of the areas once-thriving community of Armenian Christians.  The site had stood for centuries.  In December 2005, Azeri soldiers armed with sledgehammers, dump trucks and cranes destroyed the site, pounding the medieval headstones into rubble and

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Proposal for California Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Fails to Include Both Armenians and Jews

Neither the Armenian Genocide nor the Holocaust were included in a recent draft proposal of the California Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum.  Needless to say, a wide range of protests have reached the state including a partnering of Armenian, Greek, and Jewish organizations. Source: This article was read in the California Courier: Taub, David (August 22

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Armenian Assembly of America and Armenian National Institute Pay Tribute to Vahakn Dadrian (1926-2019)

The Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) and the Armenian National Institute (ANI) join in paying tribute to Dr. Vahakn Dadrian, the internationally renowned scholar of the Armenian Genocide who passed away on August 2 at the age of 93. The author of a set of critically important books and articles on the Armenian Genocide, Dr.

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Dr. Vahakn N. Dadrian, 1926-2019

NAASR joins with the Armenian and scholarly communities in marking the death of genocide scholar Dr. Vahakn Dadrian on August 2 at the age of 93. Dr. Dadrian was known all over the world as a pioneer in genocide and comparative genocide studies and in particular for his voluminous writings on the Armenian Genocide. Vahakn

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Stages of Denial of Genocide

In a lecture at Fresno State University in California, Dr. Taner Akcam, holder of the chair in Armenian Genocide Studies at Clark University, presented a summary of the stages of genocide as identified by Professor Michel-Rolph Trouillot in Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History.[1] People in power silence or delete history in

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Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide Jerusalem Mourns and Salutes the Great Researcher of the Armenian Genocide, the late VAKAHN DADRIAN

The Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide in Jerusalem Salutes the Memory of the Great Researcher of the Armenian Genocide, Professor VAHAKN DADRIAN We celebrate the masterful significance of Vahakn Dadrian’s numerous researches of the Armenian Genocide.  He was a brilliant and resolute authenticator of the validity of the documentation of the genocide at a

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Why Sam Totten Risks His Life to Truck Food to People in Sudan’s Nuba Mountains

by Joe Levine Retrieved from Teacher’s College at Columbia University. The Nuba Betwixt, Between and Mostly Ignored Sudan, Africa’s third-largest nation, won independence from Great Britain in 1956, but has been the scene of two subsequent civil wars between the primarily Arabic, Islamic north and the black African and Christian south. Though located in

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Memorable! When the World Jewish Congress Called on the U.S. in 1944 to Bomb Auschwitz and the War Department Refused

Would you believe this quotation from the War Department Reply?: “There has been considerable opinion to the effect that such an effort, even if practicable, might provoke even more vindictive action by the Germans.” WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS August 9, 1944 Hon. John J. McCloy Under Secretary of War War Department Washington, D.C. My dear Mr.

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The Milestone First International Conference on the Holocaust and Genocide in 1982 DID TAKE PLACE QUITE FULLY AND VERY SUCCESSFULLY

By Israel W. Charny Once and For All for History: Repeatedly, there are articles that report or suggest that the milestone First International Conference on the Holocaust and Genocide in 1982 never took place at all or, alternatively, it is reported that the conference deteriorated severely and just about evaporated. Thus, the California Courier (June

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Tribute to Samuel Totten: A Genocide Scholar’s Pioneering Activism

Hightower, Lara Jo (April 14, 2019). Samuel Totten – Words led to action. Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette,   Retrieved from Professor Samuel Totten is a Distinguished Fellow of the Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide in Jerusalem. We are proud to reprint the following tribute to him. On the wall outside internationally known genocide scholar Sam Totten’s

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Resolution against Denial of the Armenian Genocide and for its Recognition in the U.S. House of Representatives

Excerpted from Asbarez, April 9, 2019. New Armenian Genocide Resolution Locks-In Official Recognition, Rejects Turkey’s Denial, Encourages Public Education. Representatives Schiff and Bilirakis joined by over 70 U.S. House Colleagues in Launching Bipartisan Resolution WASHINGTON—On the eve of the Capitol Hill Armenian Genocide Observance, Congressmen Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Gus Bilirakis (R-FL)  were joined by more

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Harut Sassounian: Azerbaijan’s destruction of Armenian monuments exceeds ISIS crimes

“A groundbreaking forensic report tracks Azerbaijan’s destruction of 89 medieval churches, 5,480 intricate cross-stones, and 22,700 tombstones,” is the subtitle of an incredible article by Simon Maghakyan and Sarah Pickman, published in the Hyperallergic Magazine last week. The article is titled: “A Regime Conceals its Erasure of Indigenous Armenian Culture.” In April 2011, when the

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Israeli and Polish Students Together Memorialize the Holocaust at Auschwitz

A report of a remarkable ceremony at Auschwitz in March 2019 tells of Israeli and Polish students standing side by side reading out the names of their relatives who were murdered in the Holocaust at Auschwitz-Birkenau and other death camps. As is widely known, the Polish government in recent years has gone to an extreme

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On January 14, 2019, President Donald Trump signed the Elie Wiesel Genocide and Atrocities Prevention Act, a ground-breaking genocide prevention law, overwhelmingly adopted by the Senate and House, which codifies earlier measures including those implemented by the Obama Administration, and puts in place a set of clear policies and processes to prevent new atrocities. The

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The State of Israel and the U.N. International Day of Commemoration of Victims of Genocide and of its Prevention – December 9

Includes link to article in Hebrew  by Uriel Levy in Davar Rishon, 25.1.2019, “לא לעמוד מנגד” – Do Not Be a Bystander and a discussion of the new U.S. law, Elie Wiesel Genocide and Atrocities Prevention Act (see also the post on this law on this website). The Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide in Jerusalem,

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Armenian Dress Rehearsal: Jerusalem Post Letter to the Editor by Israel Charny

February 4, 2019  The news and anticipation that relationships between Israel and Armenia are developing constructively is good news indeed (“Are Israeli-Armenian Relations Warming Up,” January 9), if only because the Armenian people are our true brothers in suffering major genocides in the 20th century. As the Armenian Genocide is considered by many scholars to

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Review of A Democratic Mind: Psychology and Psychiatry with Fewer Meds and More Soul . Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2017; and Psychotherapy for a Democratic Mind: Treatment of Intimacy, Tragedy, Violence and Evil. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2018. Reviewed by Michael Berenbaum I have known Israel Charny for years and worked with him directly on the Encyclopedia of Genocide. We have fought

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A Deadly Serious Satire on Israel Failing to Recognize Other Genocides

The Knesset voted down a bill on Wednesday that would have recognized that the Yazidi people, a Kurdish religious minority with a presence in Iraq and Syria and the surrounding region, had been victims of genocide. Fifty-eight Knesset members voted against the bill, which was sponsored by Zionist Union Knesset member Ksenia Svetlova, while 38

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The Art of Denying Denial: Telling the Truth but Simultaneously Evading It

Lynne Tracy, Ambassadorial nominee to Armenia, confirms “the mass killings that ended 1.5 million lives,” but will not use the big G-word and say the profanity “Genocide.”  In a forceful editorial, “U.S. Ambassador to Armenian Should Call the Armenian Genocide a Genocide,” Harut Sassounian, publisher of the California Courier, reproduces the amazing dialogue of denial

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ONLY VICTIMS OF THE GAS CHAMBERS CAN GIVE PROOF OF THE GAS CHAMBERS Lyotard [French philosopher, sociologist, and literary theorist] used the example of Auschwitz and the revisionist historian Faurisson’s demands for proof of the Holocaust to show how the differend operates as a double bind (a dilemma or difficult circumstance from which there is

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U.N. International Days of Commemoration – All Victims of All Genocides and International Holocaust Day

INTERNATIONAL DAY OF COMMEMORATION AND DIGNITY OF THE VICTIMS OF THE CRIME OF GENOCIDE AND OF THE PREVENTION OF THIS CRIME In September 2015, the United Nations General Assembly established 9 December as the International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime.

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December 9 is a day proclaimed by the United Nations as a memorial to all the victims of genocide of all peoples: INTERNATIONAL DAY OF COMMEMORATION OF VICTIMS OF GENOCIDE AND OF ITS PREVENTION. December 9 is the day that in 1945 the United Nations passed the U.N. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of

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Editorial: What Yad Vashem Doesn’t Understand and Doesn’t Present

The Armenian studies program and the Henry Madden Library at Fresno State University, California together with the Memorial de la Shoah of Paris are exhibiting “Genocides of the Twentieth Century.” The exhibition was designed, created and distributed by the Memorial de la Shoah in Paris – curators Georges ben Soussan, Joel Kotek, and Yves Ternon.

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Yehuda Bauer Decries Israel’s Approval of Polish Censorship of Holocaust Information as “Betrayal, Betrayal, Betrayal…,” and also Calls Israel’s Failure to Recognize the Armenian Genocide a “Betrayal”

Professor Yehuda Bauer, doyen of Holocaust studies in the world, who is academic advisor to Yad Vashem said in a radio interview about Poland’s newly announced position of suspending criminal penalties in a law that criminalized blaming Poles for Nazi crimes, that Yad Vashem/Israel’s approval of the correction “borders on betrayal” Bauer said about the

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A Resounding Commitment to Democracy by New Armenian Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan, who Is Hailed by Time Magazine as One of Four People Who Have Fought to Defend Democracy

Armenia’s new prime minister, Nikol Pashinyan, led the protests that toppled the previous government of Armenia.  He insists, “I had no personal motivations.  All I wanted was to win freedom and happiness for my homeland and people… From the very first day, we kept saying we would not to resort to violence against anyone, even

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Roger Smith Awarded Doctor of Letters Degree by Saint Andrews University

Roger W. Smith, a member of the International Council on the Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide in Jerusalem, was awarded an honorary Doctor of Letters (D.Litt) degree by St. Andrews University in December 2017 in recognition of his contributions to genocide studies and political theory. St Andrews is Scotland’s oldest university (1413), and it

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Israel Yields to Poland’s Narrative

Excerpts from article on June 28, 2019 in Haaretz in response to Poland’s law forbidding reference to Polish participation in the Holocaust. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave Poland a real treasure in return  recognition of Poland’s narrative. The joint declaration, which (for good reason) the two leaders read in English rather than in their voters’ languages, made

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Poland Removes Jail Penalties for Statements on Polish Participation in the Holocaust But Retains as Civil Crime

Davies, Christian (June 27, 2018). Poland makes partial U-turn on Holocaust law after Israel row: Threat of jail removed for those who attribute crimes of Nazi Germany to Poles. Guardian. Poland’s president, Andrzej Duda, has signed a legal amendment to decriminalise the false attribution to Poland and Poles of crimes committed by Nazi Germany

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Robert Fisk Joins International Council of the Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide

The Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide in Jerusalem is proud to announce that the iconic English writer for the London Independent has joined the International Council of the Institute.  Robert Fisk has been Middle East correspondent for some 40 years, much of the time based in Beirut.  He is an Arabic speaker and was

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Who Sent the Jews to the Ghetto?

The Associated Press  and Aderet, Ofer  (March 22, 2018). Poland Disavows PM’s Father’s Claim That Jews Moved to Ghettos to Get Away From non-Jews. Haaretz English Edition. In a revealing sequel to the original legislation criminalizing any reference to Poles as perpetrators in the Holocaust which was stewarded by Poland’s Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, the father of the prime

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USC Shoah Foundation Acquires Testimonies from Armenian Genocide Survivors

Published in the California Courier (March 15, 2018). The USC Shoah Foundation announced the receipt of one of the largest collections of testimonies from survivors of the Armenian Genocide. The testimonies were recorded over several decades beginning in the 1970’s by Richard Hovannisian, a leading scholar on the genocide and the son of a genocide

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Israel and Poland Find It Difficult to Acknowledge the Facts of History

Fisk, Robert (15 February 2018). In the cases of two separate holocausts, Israel and Poland find it difficult to acknowledge the facts of history. London Independent. Reprinted with permission of the author. While Poland has decided to outlaw any claims that their countrymen participated in the  extermination of the Jews, Israel continues to ignore the

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Shamai Davidson, MD 1926-1986

Professor Shamai Davidson, MD, at the time of his death, Director of the Shalvata Mental Health Hospital and Center, and Associate Director of the Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide in Jerusalem, was one of the three founders of the Institute – together with Eli Wiesel and Israel Charny. Shamai Davidson dedicated himself in particular

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Uproar Continues: IAGS Censors Critique of Journal of Genocide Research and Denies Scientific Validity of Study of Bias in the Journal, but Leaves Intact Major Criticisms of the State of Israel

Listserv of the International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS) Publishes a Report on Polish Criminalization of References to the Holocaust, Allows Criticism of Israel as a Denier of Genocides and Seller of Arms, but Censors Critique of the Journal of Genocide Research. On February 7, 2018, an article was posted on the IAGS Listserv about

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Jewish Professor Requests Information From Israeli Gov’t on Armenian Genocide

by Harut Sassounian California Courier, January 11, 2018. Prominent Israeli scholar Yair Auron filed an official request with Israel’s Foreign Ministry on December 21, 2017 asking for all internal documents on agreements and commitments undertaken by the State of Israel with Turkey and Azerbaijan not to recognize the Armenian Genocide. The request sent by Auron’s

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Erdogan Turkey Continues Ottoman Empire

A Smoking Gun!: Erdogan Calls Turkey the ‘Continuation of the Ottoman Empire,’ So It Is Unmistakably Turkey that Committed the Armenian Genocide Turkey’s current (and who apparently hopes to join the growing list of rulers of countries who stay on and on accruing greater and greater power) president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has himself provided the

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Netanyahu and Kagame: Their Hands Are Full of Blood by Prof. Yair Auron

According to the media, the “summit meeting” between the Israeli Prime Minister and the President of Rwanda at Davos evoked more interest than Netanyahu’s earlier meetings with the German Chancellor, the French President, and even the President of the United States.  The two leaders are trying to ‘iron out the wrinkles’ and ‘close the deal’

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Poland Seeks to Criminalize any Reference to Polish Participation in the Holocaust

Published in the California Courier January 28, 2018 – The Polish parliament has approved a law that forbids use of the term “Polish Death Camp,” and forbids any other mention of the participation of the Poles in crimes committed during the Holocaust.  Anyone who violates the law, including non-Polish citizens, will be liable to receive a

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