Author: Editor


  The Genocide Contagion: How We Commit and Confront Holocaust and Genocide. Rowman & Littlefield, 2016.  Awarded SPIRITUALITY AND PRACTICE BOOK AWARD 2016.  Click here for discount order form — Special 30% discount available only from author. Click here to see endorsements and reviews.  A Democratic Mind: Psychology and Psychiatry with Fewer Meds and More Soul.

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Yair Auron Asks What In the World Perpetrators of War Crimes and Genocide are Doing as Visitors to Yad Vashem in Jerusalem?

“How do we act with regard to genocide committed by other nations?  We deny the Armenian Genocide.  The State of Israel (and not private arms dealers) sold arms to the government of Rwanda at the time they were committing the most rapid genocide in history.  Israeli government authorities prevent scrutiny of the documents that reveal

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Campaign to end Israeli arms exports to rogue regimes gets Knesset push: Event co-organized by lawmakers from left-wing Meretz and right-wing Likud

by Judy Maltz | Dec. 26, 2017, Haaretz English Edition Prompted by growing evidence of ethnic cleansing in Myanmar, a diverse group of Israelis from across political and religious spectra are putting increased pressure on the government to end arms exports to rogue regimes. On Tuesday, they were out in full force at a

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Israel Sells Arms to Countries Committing Genocide

A Major Critique: ​​Israel Sells Arms to Countries Committing Genocide Prof. Yair Auron, Associate Director of the Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide in Jerusalem, has  published courageously in Israel’s most influential newspaper, Haaretz -both in the Hebrew and  English editions- ​a powerful critique of Israel’s arm sales to countries engaged or known to be threatening ​genocide. The critique

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“The Holocaust, Rebirth and the Nakba” by Yair Auron (English and Hebrew editions)

Auron, Yair (in press 2017). The Holocaust, Rebirth and the Nakba: Memory and Contemporary Israeli-Arab Relations. Landham, MD: Lexington Press. [Translated from an earlier edition in Hebrew]. אורון, יאיר (2016). הבנאליות של החמלה: על הצלת ילידים יהודים בכפר הצ’ירקסי-מוסלמי בסלניי שבקווקז ב-1942.  תל אביב: רסלינג.

Publication of Worksheet for Describing and Categorizing a Genocidal Event

Charny, Israel W. (July 19, 2016).  Worksheet for Describing and Categorizing a Genocidal Event: A New Tool for Assembling More Objective Data and Classifying Events of Mass Killing. Social Sciences, 5(3), 31. For the pdf version, click here. For the pdf of the Worksheet Chart for Describing and Categorizing a Genocidal Event, click here.

New Books on Rescuers by Yair Auron

About the Circassians/Muslims אורון, יאיר (2016). הבנאליות של החמלה: על הצלת ילידים יהודים בכפר הצ’ירקסי-מוסלמי בסלניי שבקווקז ב-1942.  תל אביב: רסלינג. About Charles Aznavour’s Family אורון, יאיר (2016) (מצילימ (צדיקים) ולוחמים: משפחת אזנבור ו “המודעה האדומה” בפריס הכבושה על-ידי הצבא הנאצי [Rescuers (Righteous) and Warriors: The Aznavour Family and the “Red Poster” in Occupied Paris by

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“The Genocide Contagion: How We Commit and Confront Holocaust and Genocide” by IW Charny

NEW BOOK BY ISRAEL W. CHARNY:  Charny, Israel W. (2016). The Genocide Contagion: How: We Commit & Confront Genocide — “a book for learning about ourselves BEFORE!” The book has been adopted as a textbook at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa. The instructor writes: The text is highly informative. Chapters 1, 2, 3 and

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R2L RIGHT TO LIFE News Release

NEWS RELEASE by the Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide in Jerusalem A new world organization by the name of R 2 L -RIGHT TO LIFE has been proposed by the Genocide Recognition Network in Athens.  The Network represents three ethnic organizations of peoples, each of whom has suffered genocide in its history, the Pan-Pontian

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Steven Leonard Jacobs Publications and Lecture including on Lemkin

1) “Lemkin on Three Genocides: Comparing His Writings on the Armenian, Assyrian, and Greek Genocides” in George N. Shirinian, ed., Genocide in the Ottoman Empire: Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks, 1913-1923 (New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2017), 253-273. 2) “We Charge Genocide: A Historical Petition All but Forgotten and Unknown” in Scott W. Murray, ed.,

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Unique Cooperative Planting by Israelis and Palestinians

Palestinian Authority’s President Abbas and Other Palestinian Leaders Joined Jewish Israelis in Memorable Planting of Olive Trees A noteworthy event where Israelis and Palestinians celebrated together took place on February 11, 2017 in Neveh Shalom, Israel, the only shared Jewish and Palestinian community in Israel. Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the PA, sent an olive

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NIGHT by Elie Wiesel

Elie Wiesel was a co-founder of the Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide in Jerusalem together with Israel W. Charny and the late Shamai Davidson, M.D. Newly Unearthed Version of Elie Wiesel’s Seminal Work Is a Scathing Indictment of God, Jewish World  In Wiesel’s uncensored Hebrew ‘Night’ manuscript, unveiled here for the first time, the

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Elie Wiesel: Auschwitz Survivor and Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Dies at 87

Website editor’s note: Elie Wiesel was one of the three co-founders of the Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide in Jerusalem, together with Shamai Davidson, M.D., Director of the Shalvata Psychiatric Hospital, and a specialist in treating Holocaust survivors, and Israel W. Charny  who has served as Executive Director of the Institute from 1982. by

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Israeli Jews and Arabs plant ‘Garden of the Righteous’ to Honor Forgotten Holocaust Heroes

Alternative memorial in mixed Israeli village to commemorate rescuers in all genocides, including some Holocaust saviors never acknowledged by Yad Vashem. By Judy Maltz | Haaretz English Edition | Jul. 14, 2016 | NEVE SHALOM – A makeshift sign tacked onto an olive tree is for now the only clue to the grand plan in store

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הבנאליות של החמלה: גילוי של אומץ בארץ הצ’רקסים [The Good There Is In A Place of Evil]

אברהם בורג Haaretz Hebrew Edition May 20, 2016 Review of Auron, Yair. The Banality of Compassion: On the Rescuing of Jewish Children in the Circassian Muslim Village in 1942. Published in Tel Aviv.  Riesling, 2016.  (Hebrew) ספרו של יאיר אורון עוסק בסיפור לא ידוע ונוגע ללב על הכפר הצ׳רקסי־מוסלמי בסלניי שבקווקז, שהתגייס להציל ילדים יהודים יתומים

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